The varieties traditionally cropped in the Valencia region are of the medium-grain type, which are characterized by their high capacity to absorb tastes. This feature makes of this rice a very suitable choice for the preparation of typical Spanish dishes.

The quality of the Montoro rice, certified by Guarantee of origin, is assured by its selection of varieties: Senia-Bahía, Albufera and Bomba, all of them characterized by their extraordinary culinary properties and an excellent performance.


The “Arròs de València” comes from the Parque Natural de la Albufera nature park and from many other wetlands of the Valencia region. Their unique enviromental features constitute a perfect place for agricultural purposes, specially for the cultivation of rice.

La Albufera, which beauty has inspired writers and painters alike, is the most important coastal lake in the Iberian Peninsula. It has a total area of 21.000 hectares, from which 15.700 are destined to rice crops. An 85% of this area is destined to the cultivation ofguarantee of origin “Arròs de València”.

In a year of average rainfall, the amount of production certifiable by the Guarantee of origin adds up to 110.000 tons of paddy, which constitutes a 20% of the production of rice in Spain.

Additionally, the cultivations of rice are of great environmental importance for the Park, as it significantly helps to preserve the fauna -specially the birds- and the whole ecosystem.


Valencia is, historically, the first region of Spain where rice started to be cultivated.
Since then, generations have dedicated their lifes to produce the esential ingredient of dishes prepared by people who look for original tastes.

Nowadays, our rice not only preserves an ecosystem and a whole society, but it is also a product of guaranteed quality.

This guarantee is granted by the Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Arròs de València (Valencia’s Regulatory Council of Guarantee of Origin). This is also a guarantee of a production process followed… under the most traditional standards .

logos denominacion de origen

C/ Germanells, 47
46138 Rafelbuñol (Valencia) – España
Tel. +34 96 141 32 40

Monday to Friday:
Mornings: From 8am to 2pm