Therefore, we present the following directives which will be strictly complied with:
– Develop, maintain, and assess a Quality Management System while continually improving the effeciency of the system itself as well as improving customer and third party satisfaction at all times relevant to the established criteria.
-Set up the necessary channels of communication so that Quality Policies and Objectives are known and understood at every level of the organization and that the objectives are easily available to all appropriate departments.
-Carry out yearly reviews of the entire Management System to insure it remains up to date.
-Provide necessary information to employees to insure that all personnel is able to carry out their assigned tasks and widen their knowledge base, thus improving their work and comprehension of the necessary quality controls.
-Communicate to employees that their tasks are key to the proper implementation of the proposed objectives, and encourage a sense of solidarity with the project of maintaining and improving the current Management System.
-Keep an open and active mind toward innovation and the development of ways to improve quality in products and services rendered.
-Fully acknowledge our commitment to the applicable norms and regulations of quality, and to additional requirements that we at ARROCES J. MONTORO implement.
The Quality Policy will be distributed throughout the entire organization, to interested parties, and the public in general through the following channels:
*Internal memos to all personnel and collaborators.
*Posted information in places frequented by all workers (bulletin board).
*On the J. MONTORO webpage.
The Management and all personnel at J. MONTORO hereby commit to satisfying client and interested party needs, through the application of the criteria hereby outlined in this document.
Approved by:

C/ Germanells, 47
46138 Rafelbuñol (Valencia) – España
Tel. +34 96 141 32 40
De Lunes a Viernes:
Mañanas: De 8 a 2 h.
Tardes: De 15:30 a 18 h.